Friday, July 27, 2007

i saw sunset last night

it was spectacular as it spread out across manhattan island. i used to watch it every night when i lived in jersey city. at the time, i had the perfect apartment, and i used to rush home nightly so i could sit on the deck attached to my upstairs bedrooms. i would drink a glass, ok, a bottle sometimes, of merlot and talk on my princess phone with the extra long retractable cord. the trick back then was to catch the sunset's reflection so i didnt' hurt my eyes. at the time, i lived directly across the waterfront from the world trade center. oddly enough, i was told that if the trade center were ever to topple over, my apartment, and my neighborhood, would be decimated from the falling debris. i moved out of that apartment when i moved to sydney, australia. which is where i was when life stopped for most new yorkers. since the towers collapsed neatly into themselves, my old building still stands, as does the neighborhood. i wonder sometimes why anyone would want to live there now - the commute sucks and the view is gone....but that's just my train of thought.

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)