Thursday, March 29, 2012

how to start over again after years of neglect....

not a puppy or a kitty....

not a lover or a friend....

not even an associate or a neighbor....

no, it's deeper....

more personal....

more involved....

more anonymous and random....

and more important and intentional....

it's words....

my words....

all my words....

somewhere over the course of time, i forgot the power of my own voice.....

i neglected to do the thing that made me happiest....

the thing that made me feel most complete....

i forgot to share....

my life.....

my trials.....

my tribulations....

my stories of triumph and success.....

my tales of tenderness and tears....

i got wound up in the outside edge of being.....

part of the real world.....

yet part of nothing other than more noise in the background of the planet....

and somehow, i survived it.....

yet i left no trace....

i had no impact....

i was just another blank faceless face in passing.....

in a city,

in a world,

in a planet,

filled with strangers who become friends,

friends who become lovers,

and lovers who become family

only to become enemies and exes.....

there is no past before this moment.....

and there is nothing but future.....

and the past that didn't happen was complete and of it's own time.

yet the future that hasn't yet been to pass is incomplete.....

and is has nothing but time, but it is the time of you....and me....and many others....

yet to meet.....

yet to live.....

yet to become intertwined....

and related.....

and responsible for nothing but our own happiness.....

now i rejoin you in the living of the human race....

already in progress.....

yet previously undocumented through my own personal filter.....

the lens of my life.....

and the exposures of my longing and love.....

prepare to be exposed.....

as the future is captured,

even momentarily.....

in a snapshot of my own viewing......

here goes everything.....

About Me

My photo
New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)