Sunday, October 7, 2007

here are a few helpful travel phrases for those of you not already fluent in french (finally, right?!)...

  • je pense en francais; donc je suis

Shuh-ponce on fron-SAY; donk shuh swee

I think in French, therefore I am.

  • je pense; donce je suis francais
Shuh ponce; donk shuh swee fron-SAY.

I think; therefore I am French.

  • Ce vin a de la jambe, mais il a la fesse fripee.
Suh VAN ah duh lah shom-buh. may eel ah lah FESS free-pay.

This wine has great legs, but it's buttocks are wrinkled.

  • Quel superbe bouquet de doisettes et de sardines!
Kell sy-PAIR-buh bouqet duh NWAN-zet ay duh sar-DEEN!

What a delightful aroma of hazelnuts and sardines!

  • Le Vouvray a des asperites mais il est sincere (une favorite, moi-meme!)
Luh voo-VRAY ah day ZAH-spare--ee-tay may eel AY san-sair

The Vouvray is pimply but forthright.

  • Le boudin noir est un peu trop lourd a mon gout (pour Loulou aupres de Carcassone.....)
Luh boo-dan NWAR ay tuhn pug troh LOOR ah mohn goo.

Pig's blood sausage is just too rich for me.

  • Je ne pense pas que ce soit la saison pour du civet de tripes d'oie au sang.
Shuh ne ponce pah kuh suh swah lah SAY-zohn poor dy SEE-vay duh TREEP dwah oh sohn

I believe a stew of goose organs and goose blood is out of season.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oui, le boudin noir est vraiment trop lourd!
Je n'aime pas de boudin noir!

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)