no let's see your blog, come on, i'm waiting.... ;+D
and for the rest of you, it's been a crazy busy day here in new york was so much warmer than it has been - we hit mid-80's today...great day to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, if i do say so myself!!! (stan & pat, did you have snow yet out there? mona, did you and clark start having small contained - no not the forest variety - fires out in wheaterville yet? mom and jim, go on and brag, brag, brag....i know, you're sitting poolside at your villa - thanks for the phone call mom, made me mis-post several photos on ebay once i know how and why i make some of my costliest errors!)
let's see, i did laundry, went to the grocery store, came home and cleaned, and cleaned and cleaned a little more (oh, i forgot, the plumber was here to fix my backed up bath and shower situation...thanks whoever used to live upstairs for filling my tub with your backwash and dirty water...glad it had a chance to sit in the pipes for a few months before i was lucky enough to wake and try to embarrassing to have had an overnight guest who possibly encountered it will probably cut down on future guests given my ratio of invites to stay over versus ratio not invited over at all)...then kenny came up from work, conveniently down near my friend ron's old place (you'll recall all my travailles back and forth fixing it once he moved out so he wouldn't lose his deposit - mission accomplished, ron got 99.9% of his money back thanks to my labor intensive and sucker-like ministrations to his former abode,) and i made us lunch while we had a nice visit for a few hours before he had to get back downtown to work. somehow, sharing a tuna sandwich with him today made my doctor ordered intake of tuna this week that much more bearable, if not downright enjoyable. who knew?
and then, i cleaned some more....glad that feeling passed...i normally do try to lie down until the urge to clean leaves, i just couldn't thwart it....
oh, i got some gorgeous salmon pink roses, two dozen to be precise, from my neighborhood fish-monger/florist...sad to see my friend from when i purchased the great lilies is no longer there, and they've raised their pricing...i still am concerned he may have been relieved of his job since he gave me such a good deal and it was obviously in error...while i did try to correct the error so he wouldn't get in trouble, he wouldn't allow me to do so....sorry pablo...or pedro...or was it juan, i forget, but it was hispanic and more mexican than boriquian.... now i have roses, roses, roses, everywhere. i'm sorry, but anyone that ever says they don't like flowers is you can have them in your home and just not feel better...i don't care what ills you, flowers just make any day so much more bearable...even when you feel the need to clean....
so, here's something i got on my email machine today, it made me look twice, laugh once, and then log into my blog three times to finally post it for all of your enjoyment.... in case you can't see the title of this photo, it is simply "crack-o'lantern". (p.s. whoever carved it is a far sicker puppy than that dog that sent it to me....)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
a shout out to one of my peeps -- hey kenny!
the real me...unscripted and unplanned....
© wadeo 2012 (every last word, part, and pixel)
sleepless and online again at:
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

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- © wadeo 2012 (every last word, part, and pixel)
- New York, New York, United States
- part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)
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