Monday, October 8, 2007

a rose by any other name smells just as sweet.....

but in this secret garden in harlem, the fence kept me from smelling just how sweet it was....this rose garden was wall to wall PERFECT buds. every bush a different color and impeccably maintained.

it is the rose garden that is owned by the parish of the oldest established church in harlem - the elmendorf (methodist or unitarian or lutherern?) church....the same building, with some alterations and additions (which obviously were done more recently when money and taste were hard to come by) has been open and fully functional since 1668. that's pretty amazing. that's 300 years older than me....i think i'll go stand next to that church more makes me look young....and slim!

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)