this is the wedding photo from cusi and peter's wedding about a decade ago. they live in nyc. lady jeanne passed away last year after a long illness....normal mailor, if i'm not mistaken, also died in the last year or so....kate is just huge and makes the bride look slim....this was in a copy of "hello" magazine in lady jeanne's private apartment in sifnos...

we uncovered it while looking for the lease she had signed on behalf of the smallwood family when they took over possession of the monastery we were staying in...we didnt' find the lease but i'll be darned if i don't adore lady jeanne after the search!
this is the front door of her "villa"....i've never in my life walked into a space and felt so immediately and immensely charmed and overwhelmed with wanting it to be my home....i now understand first hand how a person can say they love their home....for someone who doesn't get attached to material possessions generally, this space, on this island, at this time in my life, really threw me for a loop!!!
Great story
Great story,
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