this photo captures us almost to the top of the kastro....we've had a very rough day of it so far in this shot....without a single complaint from david (it's now 3 or 4 days since the boat incident caused by very high and choppy waves), i found that the on-going pains in his chest around the heart area have slowed him down considerably and find myself insisting that we take him to the doctor for some medical attention...only then do i discover that he's been concerned enough with the discomfort to have already scheduled an appointment for a week later once back in london....why is it men won't stop for directions and seldom can admit they're in pain??? the medical attention here was fantastic - that is once we climbed through the language barrier and got to the second floor of the clinic instead of waiting for another 2 hours with all the village children who were apparantly having their eyes tested....note to self, buy a greek phrase book so i can distinguish between eye exam and chest exam...
david got some lovely pain meds as well as two souvenir (not to be confused with souvlaki, also greek!) xrays of his chest....one broken rib and atleast 2 fractured on either side of it....turns out that doris, the sea nymph (and speed boat) is one with a vengeful take on foreigners on her high seas!
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