instead, i've found religion in a flower, salvation in the pattern of blocks used to lay sidewalk in the park, rest in running around with the masses, and on this late friday afternoon in mid-april, i've also found myself radiating some sort of peace and light because for all my faults and wicked wiles, today i saw the face of god....and then i saw that wrinkled little old man who heads up the christian faith for the planet which some consider divinity (to me, divinity is fudge, and i think i'm divine, so he's on his own for this adjective!)...that are the actual photos of his holiness en route to his passover sader, which only stands to reason...after all, so far the pope has apologized to the sexually abused masses for making them millionaires many times over as well as for getting caught...and i respect him for addressing that...and i pity him, as we all know he's sexually abused since he's not allowed to ever lay with the man he loves yet alone marry a woman...and we all know that chastity and lack of interaction with another human being, whether man, woman or inflated is the worst kind of mental, physical and emotional cruelty that anyone should ever he knows the sins of which he speaks...what is the saying, hate the sin, but line up for the metal detector if you think you're going to throw stones at the sinner....." something like that....

this is crowd control as i sit and wait for some sort of revelation...i.e. when they're going to let me cross the street and start walking towards home's been over an hour stuck in the crosswalk...thank goodness no crying babies, dogs or people on motorized chairs are around me in this throng...oh and thank goodness the woman in front of me is shorter and appears to have bathed and washed her hair today!

as they say, patience is a virtue....and i've always been a man of easy virtues!!!
thus the wait...the people...the bottle of diet pepsi with lime in my man-purse....all worth while when the security started zooming at us....damn, couldn't they slow down so we could see him waving maybe instead of flying.....

and now, after all that waiting, and trying to stand without sitting on the filthy sidewalk and getting arrested for doing what the police have told us not to do....and drinking all that diet pepsi with lime (don't you love that drink....) i have got to take the most wild pee in this make it worse, it's almost 80 degrees out here, i'm dressed in denim and wool to avoid getting sick, and i'm nearly 30 blocks from home and from the subway (but i am still not allowed to walk across the street so i can't go home anyway...

oh yeah, and then of course, i forgot that i was having a pee myself moment because his m&m's the pope is right there....nice car...i was thinking i'd be getting popemobile...only reference point for that was the south park episode with kathy-me gifford...will have to look it up online...thought it would be white for some reason....
and finally, home and drained of physical exhaustion, urine and religious longing, i find that i have inner peace...and here's a picture of me as i realized it's not inner peace that makes a body and mind comfortable in's inner springs on a pillow top mattress...and this is divine....see how much happier i look...and i thought i needed to have tithes and offerings or the church approved souvenir pope-pop in one of five fruit flavors...nope...i had peace at home all along...i just needed to close my eyes and look underneath my mortal self....
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