Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i love when the little things finally start coming together to present a bigger picture....

as a huge fan of, and more often than not, a victim of, irony, sometimes when i find a common thread i can't help pulling it.....

quite frequently that means my rubbish is filled with strings and bits of thread from varying sources....sometimes, i wind up with good yarns, that i work on knitting into stories for you on my blog....and then there are days, like today, when i need some guidance from those wiser and more time tested than myself...that's right, there are days when i turn to william shakespeare's greatest book -- THE BIBLE.

here are the threads i pulled today as i was seeking...for what i can't really say...but what i found...i think maybe this could be considered proof that willy did indeed write the big book (no, not the yellow pages....)

the general overall takeaway learning was that the BIBLE is filled with people that are low-brow and a bit of a scourge on society...this was so intriguing that i actually forgot what i was seeking guidance are some great examples (the characters are right out of shakespeare...come on, and the plot? how can you doubt me here....)

  • noah was a drunk
  • abraham was too old to be productive (anyone would be after the first 2 or 300 years)
  • isaac was a daydreamer
  • jacob was a liar
  • joseph was a victim of abuse
  • moses stuttered
  • gideon was a chicken
  • samson was a womanizer
  • rahab was a hooker
  • jeremiah was a bullfrog
  • jeremiah (see above) was too young, so technically, was a tadpole
  • david was an adulterer
  • elisha was suicidal
  • isiah was a proselytized in the nude
  • jonah ran away from God
  • naomi outlived her husband (wait, isn't that a blessing to many?)
  • job went bankrupt in more ways than one
  • john, the babtist, ate bugs
  • peter denied christ (today he'd get coal in his stocking!)
  • martha worried about everything
  • all the disciples were bored to the point of falling asleep during prayer
  • the samaritan woman couldn't hold a relationship together, despite many marriages
  • zacchaeus was too tiny, which today would be considered disability, not a character flaw
  • paul was a religious zealot, which today would make him a jehovah's witness
  • timothy was too young (again with the discrimination) and he had ulcers (from being discriminated against by the big Guy, no doubt...)
  • and my personal favorite: lazarus was dead
sure i forgot what i needed advice and guidance with, but i came away realizing that the BIG BOOK is still a great dramatic read if you're not afraid of a little discrimination and finding out how much you have in common with many of it's main participants.

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)