Sunday, November 30, 2008

yesterday i managed to turn 40 without any fanfare....

and yet somehow, it seemed like there should have been music, or atleast champagne and roses to mark my final passage from childhood and innocence to adulthood and the cold hard truth of what it means to be alone in the world.....

this picture...the single most perfect photo i've taken in a very long time, from last month on fire island, pretty much sums up the entire journey i feel i've completed by turning forty....everything is perfectly clear, life is totally in focus and yet, with all the ebb and flow of the violent waters of life pulling at my roots and tearing away my support systems, i'm very much like the storm fencing that washed ashore after a n'or easter and just managed to cling to the shoreline long enough for me to get this one gray and sad but totally beautiful shot......

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About Me

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)