Friday, July 4, 2008

this is a series of photos to show you the scale and scope of height from the house to the swimming hole in the aegean sea below......

this is the path behind the chapel and the monastery leading away from the old donkey shed and dove coterie to the well house (corner barely visible just above on right corner of picture)...see how the house looks all flat and tiny??? it's's actually high ceilinged and very airy inside...which shows that i've taken this from a distance...

i particularly love the series of pictures of this one black and white wild mountain goat...

as i managed to figure out the telephoto feature on christopher's new digital camera even as the wind blew up his fur....

what you can't see from this series is that even though he's perched (yes, i was able to verify on his departure that he's indeed a he....!) atleast 300 feet above the aegean on a huge boulder with nothing holding it up, there were like 50 more of his friends and family bleating him on....which may be what he's turning and looking for, but i chose to believe he's looking to see what moron (i.e. me,) was bleating from the house trying to get him to laugh and/or smile for the camera without running (or worse, falling into the sea!)

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About Me

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)