i think if barack or hillary, or heck even mccain or romney win the next election, they need to change us onto an american calendar instead of the roman calendar that is oh so blah and accepted as the universal standard (that is unless you're chinese or jew....then you count your chickens when they hatch as a year or a monkey or whatever, and the jews. good grief, are they even up to the disco era of the 1970's yet on their offbeat calendar? thank goodness for manashevitz wine....atleast you can nosh and slosh while waiting for the era of poly blend and tie dye to end and the era of shoulder pads and even longer dreidel curls and yarmalukes of neon green to hit the pages of Hasid Today Magazine...kind of like highlights for children, only it's for jews, children wouldn't be caught dead reading it and the bazooka joe comics from the back once coveted by kids the world round would be replaced a stick figure named mordachi awaiting the messiah...high art and drama at it's lowest ethnic ebb....)
my personal suggestion would be a very slight but easily managed change which would segment a year into periods of 50 days....yeah the months would be off and who cares, most of them suck rocks anyway...and with seven years to ever current one of the accepted variety, perhaps we'd get that next idiot out of the white house in a mere 400 days instead of the more acceptable version of when hell freezes over....
that said...maybe i'm cranky because it's been 11 days since i've had a gosh darn cigarette and dagnabbit, so far, no one has been injured but in all fairness, i've been afraid to really stray from the apartment for fear of having a panic attic or an anxiety meltdown or perhaps a bit of a mental migration from sane to not....thus necessatating smoking 10 butts all at the same time to hit my system with oft missed rush of nicotine which we all know does make the world go round....
today i think i will buy some of the cheap cigs that i have never smoked because they taste like ass....this is of course to help dimish, disguise or dissolve the owe so unpleasant odor bombarding my entire kitchen as the house of mouse has become the melting mouse mortuary....trouble being all that poison that they finished 4 months ago seems to have had it's desired affect and i've not seen hide, hair or turd of a mouse in atleast 3 months now...unfortunately they are slow to explode and they had plenty of time to be pissed about they internal ruptures and excessive ability to dissolve while walking the floor of the place....so they've obviously hidden where i'm unable to find them, yet alone reach or neutralize them....i.e. i think under the flooring of my new kitchen cabinets....i've asked anyone i know to help me figure out how to get rid of that oh so summery scent of a scene right from "deliver me from a trailer in wyoming" and all to no avail...if the scent continues to fester and apparantly spread (what the hell, are they melting in there thus allowing the scent to continuously roll further around the kitchen? i'll be a monkeys uncle!) i'm about ready to rip out the cabinets but i'm afraid of what i'll find if i do so....live with the spreading and oh so liquid stench of melting mice? or stay in my bedroom and eat take out in front of the window where the fresh air comes in regardless of opening or closing the glass....
any suggestions?
Friday, January 11, 2008
oh this year is going to be so long...why do we always need a year built on 365 days?
the real me...unscripted and unplanned....
© wadeo 2012 (every last word, part, and pixel)
sleepless and online again at:
Friday, January 11, 2008

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- © wadeo 2012 (every last word, part, and pixel)
- New York, New York, United States
- part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)
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