this little guy is a chatterbox! but boy oh boy, does he ever love his big brothers...i can tell he's going to be more of a monkey see, monkey do kind of a fella....or is that a sea monkey kind of fella? between the hamster and the hermit crab, the cat, the dog and a house full o'possums, i'm going to hedge bets here and go with the sea monkey!

now which of these two little monkeys, i mean possums, is which? i do believe that would be possum william the webkin wizard on the left and connor the webkin collector on the right. i can't remember who told me what today, but i think it was william that found the hidden gem of the day today....needless to say, they were amused, amazed and possibly all for me knowing, no being involved with, webkins of my own....note to self, go to webkins.com and create a fish called william and a raccoon named connor!
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