outside my window with a new super-duper clean and bright-white clothesline.....i hung all my underwear up so they could dry in the sun....
and wouldn't you know it, minutes later, i was back in the kitchen and standing near the sink, i kept hearing odd little pops and snaps coming from outside....i thought maybe it was the neighbor doing something with her garden shears below my fire escape...
nope, a few hours later when i went to pull my undies off the line, i found it was the clothespins from the dollar store...seems i bought a bright white line that was too thick to stick. luckily, all the formerly bright and clean unmentionnables landed in the grime of my fire escape and didn't fall thru to the escape under mine...if Angela thought she had a problem with my cutting hair on my escape, or painting, how would she have handled my tossing of underwear down there? she could have felt like a rock star but that's doubtable, since she's established that she's a white witch in a vodoo culture, i'm sure she'd have sacrificed a chicken at me or vexed my home or worse -- hexed my calvins....oh life in the big city isn't always easy.
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