Monday, December 31, 2007

fast away the old year passes....fa, la, la, la, la, tra, la, la, la, la.....

it's new year's eve morning and i've been up and unable to sleep since 4am 5 in a row....

has given me plenty of time to think about all the things that this year has brought me and how grateful i am for the family, the friends and the passing fancies that have graced my days and nights over the last 12 months....

i've made friends with folks from europe to the americas, both north and south, but i'm particularly happy to know and love those of you in the wild, wild west that i was so blessed with meeting this summer....i think of each of you every day and even in the midst of struggle, it brings a smile to my face, my heart and my soul. those of you in the west village and the west of hells kitchen in my own little playground of nyc, i know it isn't always easy to love me, but the things you bring to my life are invaluable from the companionship to the conversation, to the simple homemade meals where finally none of us has to eat alone for a night. thank you for the many moments of meals and the millions of sparks of pure childlike joy that have been missing from my life for far too long.

now for the resolutions that i refuse to make each year since they're useless if you won't stick to them....this year, instead of my annual letter to myself, i thought i'd post a few self-improvement areas up here so you can all call me on them and perhaps help keep me in check...(i just read my letter to myself from last year and must admit, i did pretty well on the list - i moved, i started eating at home and cooking again, i started following up as required with regular health care with new doctors, i asked for help from the professionals who could help me and insisted on respect from those who have in the past treated me like i'm less than human because i've not always been able to do the best things for myself).....

  1. cut back on the smoking....i was doing so well for so long....but like everything in my life that i find dangerous and /or bad for me, i simply will turn my back on it and walk away for my own self preservation (and financial windfall too boot)....i only smoked one or two the entire time in wyoming and only since late october, have i been puffing away on a daily's the stress, but i know i can stop and i know i can't stand the taste or my breath any more than you probably can.....
  2. continue to push myself to rejoin the human race....granted, it's not a race and i can take my time, but i must increase my social standing and my oh-so-limited local circle of friends....every time i leave my apartment it's a struggle, but i will continue to triumph over the demons that have left me so awkward.....
  3. continue the effort to be a more contiguous part of my genetic family....i love my brothers and sisters and my parents and as we're all getting older, i'm finding it more and more important to have any sort of interactions with them....they are who i truly have in this life even when i feel totally alone....
  4. move much as i love this huge apartment, i am too far removed from any of the "real world" in which i can try to function and being in east harlem seems to make me g.u. (geographically undesirable) for dating and friendship....i must sacrifice my personal space and perhaps suck up and join the legions of minions that have roommates in this world....
  5. get my sorry and sad butt back to work...anything will really income is necessary to suplement the lack of finances provided by my social security disability....
  6. try to get back into school and finish the hair licensing if i don't need to re-work all 1200 hours of's a cash business and i can be good....i just need to be able to stay healthy long enough to show up daily and stand for 8 hours of's a social thing too....
  7. get back to the beach....try to find my personal possessions and see if i can reclaim them from two summers ago....that on letting go of the fact that i no longer own the possessions left at the beach after my big accident and subsequent return to the city and the hospital on doctor's orders....atleast my skin grew back where i was so badly burned and unless i'm naked and you're right near me, you'd not even know that i have discoloration and scarring from where that hideous mug of boiling chai tea latte melted away my tan and almost crippled me for life....
  8. get back to the gym....i've put on weight since august, and i've lost weight since it's time to re-proportion the weight and make my body back into the really nice one it used to be...i used to have shoulders and traps and delts and abs that you could wash laundry i have a washboard stomache, but someone forgot to take their towels when they were done with them it would appear....
  9. give something back...i had the chance to see my holiday card hanging at someone's home the other day and when i reread it, i was really happy with what i'd written and how much my sentiments really rang true to my personal spirit. my soul is only ever full when it is giving something to help someone else....
  10. find love in a minute and treasure it for a lifetime even when the moments are passed, they are what keep us warm and allow us to believe that good will conquer evil....i have forgotten that in the past and today i'm putting it in writing so i can look back and search for the truth in myself and accept nothing less in others....i'm worth it and any relationship based on lies is only hurting the person or persons who stand to lose me in their lives.....
  11. sleep in heavenly peace on a nightly basis and enjoy the days while the sun shines.....
  12. be less sappy....
  13. no number thirteen....unless you want to be less superstitious.....
  14. end on fourteen and let you all go about your way....happy new year.....

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About Me

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)