ok, they scatter around me if i make the right face or the right oddly timed noise in a crowded area....particularly a subway....but oh the flowers....they make me think of heaven and how maybe all there really is when we die is an absolute instant...you know, maybe heaven isn't all the flowers and streams and angels and crowds you'd be led to think by some extremists...no, somehow yesterday i've come to the absolute conclusion that heaven is truly for the living on earth and when we die...there is simply one pure instant, perhaps the white light we go into, and that instant is all there is....that perfect moment of light and lightness of being is not only slimming but very much all a person should ever need to endure of perfection and peace....i haven't figured out what transpires after you have that moment - perhaps we just vaporize or are again reborn, but yes, pass it along, i'm pretty much convinced that heaven is just that single moment of peace and beauty when you enter the light before phhhhhhtt!!! you're gone forever....
that said, these flowers and my corner of central park are heaven on earth at the moment and i spent hours in there last night photographing it as the sunfaded across the harlaam meer (old dutch for harlem lake - a natural 11 acre water feature on my side of the park...it's lovely!)
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