Saturday, September 1, 2007

some helpful holiday weekend phrases as you dine out in your travels.....

  • ?Que yace immovil dentro del mole?

Kay YAH-say imm-MOH-veel DEN-troh del MOH-lay?

What lies motionless under the spicy chocolate sauce?

  • ?Que emana de las profundidades del chile relieno?
Kay ay-MAH-nah day las proh-foon-dee-DAH-days del CHEE-lay ray-YAY-noh?

What oozes from the depths of the stuffed pepper?

  • ?Que es lo que me mira con ojos vidriosos?
Kay ehs loh kay may MEER-ah con OH-hohd vee-dre-OH-sohs?

What stares at me with glassy eyes?

  • Ah. Comi eso anoche.
Ah. Coh-MEE EH-soh ah-NOH-chay.

Ah-ha. I had that last night.

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)