Monday, July 16, 2007

darlin' i love you, but give me park avenue!

green acres at the double md....
so sue me...i couldn't rhyme anderson or circle with the tune to green acres running thru my head.
if you can picture the green acres of my childhood and much more recently of nick at nite's tv land (tv people the world over rejoice at this fact!), you will have a great mental visual of my summer vacation.

it doesn't matter which of us you choose to place into the roles made famous by zsa-zsa, eddy and arnold, the fact is their "plein aire" home was eerily similar to mom and jim's tin, lizzie, particularly when it comes to thed live-in livestock factor (a nice way to address the resident vermin). fortunately, since the field mice were rather large (think in terms of "sit", "stay", "good puppy"), they were very easy to see. that is, unless you happen to fall victim to the bad habit of sleeping with your eyes shut. lucky for me, i have very sensitive skin. my forehead breaks out when i think of sweating, and i sit straight up in bed as soon as someone runs up my arm.

fans of the muppet show will easily recall pigs in space, the timeless and classic vehicle created to launch piggy's of tin lizzie at the circle, may now become familiar with the house of mouse (not to be confused with that of mickey and minnie). the ceiling in the living room, near the hanging lamp, may well have a small, rodent-esque indent where i launched the initial participant in house of mouse from my supine and asleep position on the bed.

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New York, New York, United States
part mad-scientist (it's kind of like being an angry bovine only i'm still not that heavy!)