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some people make you laugh and laugh and laugh...david is another of those people....witness barney in the photo below....between david, barney and chris, the majority of my photos came out too blurry to be salvaged...yes, i was laughing that hard for my entire holiday!!!

can you see the sailboats...?
i thought it was clever of me...of course i'm biased...but when i looked out of the bedroom and saw the cascade of sheared off rocks coming out of the cliff side, i couldn't help but want to leave a mark that i'd been have hundreds, maybe thousands of goats and probably tens if not twenties of monks and possibly sailors as matter who was there, they couldn't help but be in awe of the simple yet overwhelming splendor of the sailboats entering and exiting the port....this is my tribute to the greeks, the romans, the phoenicians, the turks and the egyptians who all traded and trod upon this particular sea route since before recorded time....
this absolutely idyllic scene is a little cafe about 30 or 40 minutes from the house by car...up and over the mountains....
first morning, eager to explore, i asked if chris wanted to go to town with me, never thinking it would be thriving....needless to say, this is where he navigated us to as i drove the little wind up exciting....turns out this is near the secret steps leading to the heart of the town which was astounding when i finally had the chance to walk them and explore on my own....this day, i was on a hunt for a bakery....where the loaves whole wheat free formed loaves were just coming from the oven...too hot to hold without wrapping in brown paper first....too delicious and fragrant not to rip into it immediately - sans butter or preserves...and i'd carried the best lime marmalade ever found on the planet earth all the way from london just so i could eat more of it on vacation...that says a lot about the bread (and the fortnum & mason jams!)

christopher and i were up bright and early every morning in sifnos....sometimes it would be barely 6 a.m. greek time, but the sun would already be burning fiercely over the mountains behind us, even though it wouldn't cast a shadow for hours...
i really enjoyed the early mornings with christopher the most, since he would make a pot of fresh greek coffee (so finely ground that you couldn't help but either toss out the bottom of the cup or drink the grounds...tradition says you don't swallow the bottom of any coffee drink here....) as we sat and talked, or more likely laughed riotously (can't even tell you what we laughed about so much...) we were sure we were waking up barney (in the bedroom right behind us with the windows shuttered) or david, in the bedroom right behind barney...alas, they weren't bothered by our good time....